Monday, October 30, 2006

Vote yes on 1

With 7 days left until the general elections in Massachusetts, I wanted to advocate for a ballot initiative that will be voted upon on next Tuesday, November 3rd. For those of you from out of state , Massachusetts has some very strict liquor laws. Several towns are 'dry towns'. In fact, the town where I live just recently allowed liquor licenses for restaurants but will not allow any package (packy) stores (liquor stores). Some towns are even stricter and do not allow any liquor or package licenses at all.

Voting Yes on Question 1 would allow towns and cities to license the sale of wine only in grocery stores. One can read more about it at Wine at Grocery Stores. There is significant pressure and misleading ads that are supported largely by the liquor distributor lobby in Massachusetts. The same lobby that in effect killed the ability to allow instate shipment of wine (yes you can get some shipped in, but the law is so strict as to make it prohibitive).

Regardless of how you choose to vote on other issues, this ballot initiative makes a lot of sense. For example, several Whole Foods in Cambridge, Massachusetts already sell wine in their stores. While you are voting for yes on 1, I would also encourage you to join Free the Grapes!.

Free the Grapes is a Free the Grapes! is a national, grassroots coalition of consumers, wineries and retailers who seek to remove restrictions in states that still prohibit consumers from purchasing wines directly from wineries and retailers.

Here is to having a good drink with friends!

1 comment:

wheresmymind said...

My wife and I are both voting Yes on 1